Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Intro to my new blog on the Prophet Daniel

Hi guys, let me introduce myself and my new blog.

I would like to start a discussion of the Book of Daniel and its related subjects, such as how he stood against the prevailing PC of his day, rose from being a captive to being one of the most influencial rulers under 3 kings and 2 empires, how he influenced wealthy nobles from Babylon 6 centuries later to travel over desert to find a prophesied child, and how his prophecies seem to be getting fulfilled in front of our eyes every day as we read the headlines.

After doing research for a book I wrote on this subject, and leading a Bible study group on Beth Moore's course titled Daniel, I thought maybe there are more of you out there who have the same interest.

Because of my study in Daniel, I feel encouraged by what's going on in this chaotic world today, because it's already prophesied, and we know the end of the story. (A fabulous ending!)

If you would like to participate in any discussion, please jump in! – I hope to add new posts once a week, unless something prevents me from doing so.


  1. This should start some interesting discussions, Lyn. I'll look forward to checking in.

  2. You've got a great start. This is someting badly needed.
