Sunday, November 1, 2009

Nebuchadnezzar’s Terrifying Dream, Daniel Chapter 2

If you missed my last post on October 19, you might want to read it so this post makes sense. In it I gave you the background of what was going on with everyone connected with Nebuchadnezzar’s prophetic dream, including the Magi.

Let's take a look at the dream that terrified him: He saw a huge statue with a head of gold, chest and arms of silver, belly and thighs of bronze, legs of iron, and feet of part iron and part clay. Then a stone was cut out – not by humans – and thrown at the feet of the statue. The entire statue broke up and crushed as it fell, sort of like the Twin Towers on 9/11. It became like sawdust that blew away in the wind, leaving no trace. Then the stone became a mountain and covered the whole earth.

The king wanted his counselors, who were the Wise Men, or Magi, to tell him the meaning of the dream – only there was one problem – he couldn’t remember it. So he required them to tell him the dream itself. They insisted that no human could do such a thing, and their gods were inaccessible. So he sentenced all the Magi to death.

Remember, Daniel was one of the Magi, so his life was in danger, too. Since he was the only one who was not an astrologer, magician, or sorcerer, and instead relied on God, he was given time to ask God for the answer. That night God gave him the dream – and its interpretation. Nebuchadnezzar was stunned as Daniel told him precisely what the dream was and what it meant. As a result, the king made Daniel head over all the Magi and prime minister of Babylon. I never knew that before – did you?

The statue represented the four major empires of the world from then until now, beginning with Nebuchadnezzar as the golden head. Each succeeding empire would be inferior, just like the metals on the statue. Babylon would be replaced by Medo-Persia (silver chest and arms), then Greece (bronze belly and thighs), then Rome (iron legs). Rome was never conquered, and the seeds of it are starting to sprout up again as the global government of the New World Order is emerging (iron/clay toes).

We are now beginning to witness this New World Order being set up in Belgium, with our own president Obama playing a major role in it. It is supposed to be divided into 10 major areas of the world (10 toes), eventually headed up by the Antichrist. Talk about watching prophecy unfold before our very eyes! It would take a global crisis to set up a global government to solve the problem, and our current global economic crisis is a good “crisis to not waste.”

The Millennial Kingdom of Christ is just around the corner, so to speak, and it will leave no trace of the terrible reign of the Antichrist and the subsequent Great Tribulation. Look up and be encouraged – Jesus is coming soon! Are you looking forward to this or dreading it? Now is the time to find out which judgment you’ll be attending – either the Rewards Ceremony of Jesus, or the Great White Throne Judgment of the condemned. You don’t want to be at that one.

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